
Incentivizing Peace

Feb. 5, 2018

About the book : Civil wars are among the most difficult problems in world politics. While mediation, intervention, and peacekeeping have produced some positive results in helping to end civil wars, they fall short in preventing them in the first place. In Incentivizing Peace , Jaroslav Tir and Johannes Karreth...


Coloradans distrust lawmakers, support Dreamers, survey shows

Jan. 25, 2018

Coloradans “firmly disapprove” of President Donald Trump and the U.S. Congress, have waning confidence in state lawmakers on both sides of the aisle, and overwhelmingly support “Dreamers,” CU Boulder research shows.


Trump's America, one year later, is focus of diverse panel discussion

Jan. 14, 2018

A panel discussion titled “Trump’s America: One Year Later” is scheduled for Wednesday, Jan. 24, at 5:30 p.m. in Hale Science Room 270


Economic development is focus of expert panel discussion

Jan. 5, 2018

The event, titled “The Opportunities and Challenges of Economic Development,” features three experts and is scheduled for Tuesday, Jan. 23, at noon in Old Main Chapel on the CU Boulder campus.


Expert to weigh 'godless politics' at CU Boulder

Sept. 28, 2017

An expert on the political implications of growing numbers of non-religious citizens will discuss “godless politics” in a lecture on the University of Colorado Boulder campus next month.


From Russia, with knowledge

April 25, 2017

CU Boulder political scientist Sarah Sokhey, who has watched evolution of Putin’s Russia up close, isn’t surprised by reports of election meddling and doesn’t see Russia as predestined to become less democratic.


Beltway veteran is an éminence grise … at 26

April 21, 2017

Anyone who has watched the progression in hair color among U.S. presidents—George W. Bush and Barack Obama are two recent, vivid examples—doesn’t doubt the connection between stress and graying. Talk to 26-year-old Derek Dash and he’ll tell you that just working for a presidential administration is enough to do the trick.


In Buff-friendly family, it’s all in the family code

April 21, 2017

Patrick Mulligan’s father may have transferred from University of Colorado Boulder to graduate from the University of Denver, but his continuing love for Buffs football paved the way for two generations of CU students.


Taxes, tariffs and trade

March 6, 2017

Taxes, tariffs and trade, three things frequently in the headlines now, are the focus of the next Social Sciences Today Forum at the University of Colorado Boulder.


Scholars eye freedom in reverse

Feb. 28, 2017

With help from five graduate students, two CU Boulder professors will conduct a careful study of what happens to citizen engagement when previously liberal democratic nations become more repressive.
