Managing Editor, PwC Health Research Institute
2020 Speaker • 2021 Speaker

Chicago, Illinois

Trine Tsouderos is Regulatory Center Leader of PwC’s Health Research Institute (HRI), where she leads a team examining the effects of federal and state health policy on the US health industry. Tsouderos also is HRI’s Managing Editor, helping shape research on trends transforming the industry. She is co-host of a podcast, Next in Health, which offers weekly updates on the impacts of the pandemic and other events on the industry.

A former journalist, Tsouderos has 17 years of newsroom experience. Most recently, she was an investigative reporter on the science and medicine beat at the Chicago Tribune, winning state and national awards for her work. Her work has been cited in books and scientific papers. Tsouderos is a seasoned speaker and moderator; she has given presentations at the CU Conference on World Affairs, The New York Academy of Sciences, the American Medical Association and many other events. 

Tsouderos also worked in health communications. As director of healthcare media at Golin, she helped shape and execute domestic and global media strategies for large insurers and major pharmaceutical and consumer healthcare products companies.