bee on purple flowers

Are you ready for pollen season? Check out these tips to combat summer allergies and feel your best all summer long. 

What are allergies? 

Allergies happen when your immune system identifies a substance (allergen) as harmful, even though it isn’t. Common summer allergens include pollen, animal dander and insect stings or bites. 

Our reactions to allergens can vary from person to person. Sometimes, allergies cause mild symptoms like irritation, while others may experience more serious symptoms like anaphylaxis that require emergency medical attention. 

The most common symptoms of summer allergies include: 

  • Sneezing 
  • Stuffy nose or congestion 
  • Runny nose (thin, clear discharge) 
  • Red, watery or swollen eyes 
  • Itchy eyes, ears, nose or mouth 
  • Mucus that runs down your throat 
  • Coughing 
  • Tenderness, irritation or swelling around the affected area (i.e., insect sting or bite) 
  • Painful or itchy rash (e.g., hives) 

If you struggle with seasonal allergies, here are some tips that can help you manage your symptoms.  

1. Reduce your exposure

While it’s impossible to avoid all allergens, you can take steps to reduce your exposure, which can help mitigate your symptoms. 

Here are some ways to reduce your exposure to common summer allergens. 

Published: May 7, 2024