A versatile set of mathematical techniques and computational methods to solve, analyze and model complex real world situations.

For example...

  • Analyze shipping routes to reduce food waste
  • Make meaningful conclusions about how diseases spread
  • Make data-based financial and risk analyses

This concentration can also be a minor. The IDE applied mathematics concentration, when combined with the IDE foundational coursework, satisfies the requirements for a general emphasis minor in applied mathematics. 


APPM Concentration Required Course

Course name

Course Code

Credit hours

Matrix Methods & Applications

APPM 3310

3 credits

APPM Concentration Options: Choose 2

Course Name (choose two)

Course Code

Credit hours

Intermediate Numerical Analysis 1

APPM 4650

3 credits

Fourier Series & Boundary Value Problems

APPM 4350

3 credits

Complex Variables & Applications

APPM 4360

3 credits

    •    Choose one additional 3-credit APPM course at the 3000 or 4000 level.