Published: Sept. 19, 2013

Michio Kaku, a prominent theoretical physicist and two-time New York Times best-selling author will be speak on Thursday, Oct. 3, at CU-Boulder’s Macky Auditorium. Doors will open at 6:45 p.m. and Kaku will begin his speech at 7:30 p.m.

Kaku, a guest of CU-Boulder's Distinguished Speakers Board will discuss "The Next 20 years: How science will revolutionize business, medicine, jobs, and our way of life." The hour-long lecture, which will inform the audience about the future of science and society, will be followed by a half-hour Q&A session with members of the audience.

“The Distinguished Speakers Board is incredibly excited to be hosting Michio Kaku here at the University of Colorado”, said Kelsey Berlinberg, chair of the board. “Given the university’s reputation as a leading institution in physics and science research, Dr. Kaku’s immense knowledge in those fields is sure to inspire our students, researchers, and community members.”

Kaku is the co-founder of string field theory, a cutting-edge branch of physics, that continues Albert Einstein’s search for a “theory of everything” to derive an equation that summarizes all the physical laws of the universe. A popularizer of science, he has enjoyed a distinguished career as an author and television personality. He is the author of two New York Times best sellers, "Physics of the Future" (2011), which was chosen by Amazon as one of the Top 100 Books of 2011, and "Physics of the Impossible" (2008). He has appeared on television numerous times, with appearances on "The Larry King Show," "60 Minutes," "The Colbert Report," and CNN to name a few, been featured in documentaries and hosted many of his own, and runs a national weekly radio program called "Science Fantastic." Furthermore, he will be prominently featured in the Science Channel's new series "Futurescape", premiering in November.

Tickets to the event went on sale on Tuesday, Sept. 17 and are $2 for CU-Boulder students with a valid Buff OneCard and $10 for community members. Student tickets can be purchased from the Distinguished Speakers Board table on the first floor of the University Memorial Center, Monday through Friday between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. Community tickets can be purchased at Please email for hearing-impaired tickets and other accommodation needs.

As a student-run cost center of CU Student Government (CUSG), the mission of the Board is to bring speakers of the highest caliber to campus that will intellectually stimulate the student body and the surrounding community. For more information about the event visit