Published: Oct. 6, 2023

Student scanning Buff OneCardThousands more meals can now be provided to students in need thanks to donations to CU Boulder’s Basic Needs Center during the department’s biannual Swipe It Forward campaign. 

Students who have dining center plans donated 2,423 meal swipes during the three-day event from Sept. 26-28. Each student could contribute three swipes total. Faculty, staff and community members could donate money to the cause as well. 

The Basic Needs Center, which is a part of the university’s Division of Student Affairs, will use those donated meals and funds to provide emergency meal cards to students who are facing food insecurity and need help accessing nutritious meals. 

Basic Needs Center student assistant Orla McGrath, who is a senior studying English and minoring in journalism at CU Boulder, said they saw an increased number of students who applied to receive an emergency meal swipe this year. The latest donations will help the center match the amount of need they are seeing across campus. 

“These meal cards are different than our other resources in that they give people access to a ready-made meal rather than just groceries,” said Orla. "There are a lot of people who don't have the money or time to buy groceries, take them home and cook. I think when you're already in a difficult situation financially, you don't want to have to constantly think about how to access food and how to carve out time in your schedule to go to a food pantry." 

From receiving assistance to giving it back  

Orla spoke from experience. She faced similar struggles in the past. Yet, her journey from a recipient of the Basic Needs Center's support to an organizer of the Swipe It Forward campaign exemplifies the power of empathy, generosity and community. 

“I had used the Buff Pantry before when it was still a part of the Volunteer Resource Center, and I always thought it was such an amazing program," Orla reflected. "I think that has still continued through today, and now that I'm involved with it, it's so inspiring and special to me to be able to do this work and actively see how many people's lives are improving." 

Orla's journey with the Basic Needs Center began during her sophomore year at CU Boulder. She had taken a gap year due to the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, returning to school with a different set of circumstances and bills to pay.  

"I went from a situation where I was living at home with my parents to being thrown back into school, paying Boulder rent and not having the time to work full-time anymore," Orla shared. "I was suddenly relying on the savings I had accumulated while working during my year at home." 

This transition showed the importance of resources like the Buff Pantry and Swipe It Forward. Orla's firsthand experience with these programs ignited her desire to give back and help others facing similar challenges. "It's a resource that anyone can use, and we want to remove the shame and stigma from accessing resources," she emphasized. 

Getting involved and building community 

What made Swipe It Forward even more special is the accessible way students could participate. Orla said that it was easy for students to get involved because all they had to do was say “Hey, I would like to donate a swipe” when going through their normal routine at a dining center. It was a straightforward way for anyone to engage in philanthropy on campus. 

However, the impact of Swipe It Forward extended beyond providing meals. It fostered a sense of community on campus, allowing students who may be feeling separated from their peers to join their community within the dining halls.  

"I think in general Swipe It Forward is such a community-building event,” said Orla. “From the Basic Needs Center volunteers tabling and student staff members promoting it to students who receive a meal swipe accessing another community on campus. I think the greatest impact of Swipe It Forward is like a lot of our impacts; in that it provides a resource that is a basic need and is something that is often overlooked.” 

The success of CU Boulder's Swipe It Forward campaign is a testament to the compassion and dedication of individuals like Orla. They remind us of the importance of supporting students, especially when it comes to basic needs.  

How to get help or support the Basic Needs Center 

 The Basic Needs Center provides resources to CU Boulder students, faculty and staff. If you need assistance or support, request resources on the Basic Needs Center website.  

The center works with Student Support & Case Management (SSCM) to help students access essential resources. Anyone can refer a student to SSCM

There are also various ways to get involved with the Basic Needs Center. You can volunteer, organize a food drive, make a donation or contribute items from the department’s Amazon wishlist. Your support goes directly towards funding and maintaining the center to ensure access for current and future CU Boulder students.