Published: Oct. 23, 2017



Intro by Jeff Cox

  • Intro on teaching and reaching visioning
  • Laying out of fall work
  • Role of Committee and Report

Intro to A&S Strategic Planning Process by David Brown

  • History of A&S process
  • Work of committee to date—draft vision statement
  • Schedule for committee’s work

Q.  We have been talking about interdisciplinary work for years, but the measures of value are still based on student credit hours and majors.  Can this actually be fixed?

A. There are discussions about the budget model taking place. Part of the reason for these meetings are to help inform those discussions by determining what we want to do, and then partnering with the administration to figure out how to do it.

Q.  It feels like these processes (AF, A&S) are happening really fast at the moment.  Is it possible to get a year of exploration?

A. For AF, it is happening quickly.  There are other planning processes going on at the campus-level that will continue (such as the campus master plan), and we want to get ideas and input to inform those processes. For A&S, we are still in the strategic planning phase and welcome any input you have.

Q.  We still need students to have basic skills, such as writing and math.  If we talk about a common campus core, where does PWR fit in?

A. We are still in the “what do we want to do” phase. Determining where PWR fits is a discussion for the “how do we do it” phase.

Comment: We would like to engage in interdisciplinary teaching where we can co-teach with colleagues from a different university in another part of the world.  Students like this idea. There are currently significant barriers (funding, logistics) in doing this.

Comment: We would like to be able to hold conferences without also having to handle all of the logistics ourselves.  We need common conference services that are both available and affordable.