Paying the Price: a Challenge to Help Offset Low-Income Student Debt (Rohse)

The author argues in favor of transferring reduced tuition benefits from CU employees who don’t use them to low-income students, and invites faculty, staff, and students to brainstorm other ways that unused benefits, excess hours, payable fines, or any other surplus within our campus community can be donated, reallocated, or converted for use by disadvantaged students.

“Cradle-to-Grave” advising and the ACE approach: A model for a School of the Environment, Design, and Sustainability (Advising Center for Excellence Team)

The authors suggest the ACE model represents an effective approach to building and sustaining “academic neighborhoods” in a larger context on campus.

The Importance of Increasing the Focus on Strengths Utilizing the Current CliftonStrengths Program at CU Boulder (Shaff, Williams)

The authors argue for a stronger emphasis on students understanding and developing their strengths via peer coaching and other support mechanisms as embodied in the CliftonStrenghts Program.

The Need for a Graduate Student Living Wage (Anderson Stewart & Wolf-Root)

The authors make the case for funding graduate students via a living wage within the University’s existing budgets.

The Libraries’ Substantive Role in the Internationalization Efforts at the University of Colorado Boulder (Li, Hall, Maxson, Chang)

The authors examine areas where CU Boulder Libraries are engaged in internationalization activities, suggest future enhancement in these areas, and propose a deeper understanding of the extent to which the Libraries can participate in campus internationalization efforts.

Professional Opportunities for Existing and New Students at CU Boulder (Wasser, et al.)

The authors propose a seven-point plan for improving professional programs – particularly those that leverage CU Boulder expertise in the space, earth, computer and data science realms.

Developing the Professional Master’s Programs for Practical Use by All Students (Villeneuve)

The author documents her personal experience to support her contention that professional master’s degree students be treated equally with other graduate students – for example, not being prohibited from TA or RA positions as well as being given access to competitive tuition costs.

Envisioning Equal Opportunities for All at CU Boulder (Bielski)

The author calls for expanding programs and services for people with disabilities, particularly individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities.

What Advisors Need in a Re-envisioned College (Vahey, et al.)

The authors, all advisors in the College of Arts & Sciences, argue that increased resources to support more advisors and further opportunities for professional development – among other measures – will increase the effectiveness of advising and have great benefits for students and faculty.

More and Better Resources Needed for International Students (Bonetti)

The author argues that increased dedicated resources including advisors, coaches, counsellors and improved institutional support, along with a better funded, consistent and comprehensive approach, could help international students better adapt and integrate into the university community.
