Project Description

Very Low Frequency (VLF) radio waves can be used to understand the Earth’s ionosphere, a region of energetic charged particles and plasma that forms the boundary between the atmosphere and space proper. Our lab is completing the redesign of our VLF receivers in order to deploy an Array for VLF Imaging of the D-region (AVID) of the ionosphere to better study this region. A critical step as we finish the design process is the manufacturing and testing of all of the final units necessary for the array. This project will be responsible for the bring-up testing of printed circuit boards, validation testing of components, assembly of parts of the system, and verification of full receivers.

You will work directly with James Cannon, a graduate student, who will assist with any issues and guide your progress. Dr. Robert Marshall will oversee the entirety of the project. At the end of the project, ~15 full systems, comprising over 100 individual components will have been manufactured, assembled and tested, ready for deployment in this major scientific pursuit.

The Lair
