PC and book on the desk

Language Tutoring Now Available for CU Students

Oct. 18, 2021

We are delighted to announce that CU students studying Chinese and Japanese can now book a free tutoring session. Chinese Language Tutoring Session, provided by ALC Each session is 25 minutes long. You will have the option to either meet in person or remotely via Zoom. In person sessions will...

A male and female students smiling in a picture in Japanese newspaper

Brandon Stover and Richard Han in Hakodate Shimbun

Aug. 30, 2021

Brandon Stover, Richard Han and other CU students learning Japanese language participated in Japanese-English Conversation Table hosted by our Japanese Language Program and Hokkaido International Foundation (HIF) . The meetings were held every Thursday via Zoom and students were able to virtually meet people in Hakodate, Hokkaido. Brandon and Richard...


Morgan Sackett Received a ROTC Scholarship to Study Abroad in Taiwan

March 22, 2021

Congratulations to our Chinese major, Morgan Sackett, for receiving a ROTC Scholarship to study Mandarin in Kaohsiung, Taiwan at Wenzao University of Languages for eight weeks this summer through the Indiana University! "I started learning Chinese because I fell in love with the process of learning foreign languages and enhancing...

A female masked student sitting on a couch

Lindsey Quint Awarded Critical Language Scholarship

March 9, 2021

Congratulations to Lindsey Quint for being selected for Critical Language Scholarship ! The CLS program is a fully funded intensive overseas language and cultural immersion program for American students to learn languages essential to America’s engagement with the world. Linsey majors in International Affairs and Chinese. She began studying Chinese...

PC and notebook on a table

ALC Summer 2021 Courses

Feb. 23, 2021

Summer Session registration begins on March 3, 2021. The Department of Asian Languages and Civilizations will be offering several courses this summer remotely. See the list of courses offered here .


Jackie Coombs Received Outstanding Staff Member Recognition Award

Feb. 11, 2021

Congratulations to our Program Assistant, Jackie Coombs for receiving the A&S Monthly Staff Recognition Award! The monthly outstanding contributions recognition award(s), or monthly staff recognition award, is presented monthly to College of Arts and Sciences staff from all divisions (Social Sciences, Arts and Humanities and Natural Sciences)* in recognition and...


Online Japanese Calligraphy Workshop

Oct. 23, 2020

The Japanese Language Program invited Ms. Nodoka Epel as a guest instructor to teach Japanese calligraphy via Zoom on Wednesday, October 21, 2020. After learning its history and the current trend in Japanese calligraphy, students and community members practiced calligraphy together.

An instructor and some students standing on the stage

The 33rd CO/WY Japanese Speech Contest

Nov. 11, 2019

The 33rd Colorado/Whyoming Japanese Speech Contest was held on Saturday, November 9th at First Baptist Church of Denver. Students from JPNS 1010 through JPNS 4110 competed for their skit/speech presentations. Our CU representatives left great results at the contest. Way to go, everyone! Pic1: College I Skit from JPNS1010 (Fourth...

East Podcast

Students in ARAB 3340 Representing Islam Worked on Podcast Episode for The East Is A Podcast

May 6, 2019

In the spring 2019 semester, students in Levi Thompson’s course “Representing Islam” created a podcast episode for the program The East Is A Podcast , produced by Sina Rahmani. During the course, students considered how Islam has been represented, by Muslims and non-Muslims alike, over the centuries. This project is...

flowers in a basket

Chinese and Japanese Honor Societies 2019

April 22, 2019

The following student has been approved to be inducted into the National Collegiate Chinese Honor Society . The National Chinese Honor Society College Chapter, sponsored by the Chinese Language Teachers Association, USA (CLTA), is founded to recognize the outstanding academic achievement of college students in learning Chinese as a second...
