
Applied Mathematics Department Colloquium - Radu Craiu

April 15, 2016

Event Description: Radu Craiu , Department of Statistical Sciences , University of Toronto Adaptive Strategies for Component-Wise Metropolis-Hastings Adaptive ideas within the MCMC universe are ubiquitous. However, proving the validity of an adaptive MCMC sampler can be a complicated affair, especially because of the so-called Containment Condition. Recent theoretical developments...

Applied Mathematics Department Colloquium - R. Tyrell Rockafellar

April 8, 2016

Event Description: R. Tyrell Rockafellar , Department of Mathematics , University of Washington Risk, Optimization and Statistics Uncertainty over the future, even if well supported by statistical information, causes a fundamental difficulty in optimization. Decisions can't pin future "costs" to specific values and are instead limited only to shaping their...

Applied Mathematics Department Colloquium - John K. Hunter

April 1, 2016

Event Description: John Hunter ; Department of Mathematics ; University of California, Davis Nonlinear surface plasmons Surface plasmons (SPs) are electromagnetic surface waves that propagate on the interface between an insulator and a conductor, such as air and gold. At short wavelengths, the frequency of SPs approaches a nonzero constant...

Applied Mathematics Department Colloquium - Mark Ablowitz

March 11, 2016

Friday, March 11, 2016 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM Main Campus - Engineering Classroom Wing - 265 Mark J. Ablowitz, Department of Applied Mathematics, University of Colorado Boulder Nonlinear waves: solitons at age 50 and more… The study of nonlinear waves has had many remarkable discoveries, one of them being...

Applied Mathematics Department Colloquium - Michael Mahoney

March 4, 2016

Friday, March 04, 2016 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM Main Campus - Engineering Classroom Wing - 265 Michael Mahoney ; Department of Statistics ; University of California, Berkeley Column Subset Selection on Terabyte-sized Scientific Data One of the most straightforward formulations of a feature selectionproblem boils down to the linear...

Applied Mathematics Department Colloquium - Rafael Fongillo

Feb. 26, 2016

Friday, February 26, 2016 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM Main Campus - Engineering Classroom Wing - 265 Rafael Frongillo , Department of Computer Science , University of Colorado Boulder Minimizing the Risk of Risk: Computing Risk Measures via Empirical Risk Minimization An important open question in statistics and machine learning...

Applied Mathematics Department Colloquium - Natasha Flyer

Feb. 19, 2016

Event Description: Natasha Flyer , National Center for Atmospheric Research Radial Basis Function-Generated Finite Differences (RBF-FD): New Computational Opportunities in the Geosciences A novel mathematical methodology is presented for modeling a wide array of physics in the geosciences. It based on a mesh-less approach known as radial basis function -generated...

Applied Mathematics Department Colloquium - Laura Grigori

Feb. 12, 2016

Event Description: Laura Grigori , INRIA Paris - Rocquencourt Alpines group, joint with Laboratoire J.L. Lions, UPMC An overview of fast and robust communication-avoiding algorithms In this talk I will discuss one of the main challenges in high performance computing: the increased cost of communication with respect to computation, where...

Department Colloquium - Michael Wakin

Feb. 5, 2016

Event Description: Michael Wakin , Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science , Colorado School of Mines Slepian Sequences and Subspace Models for Signal Processing Low-dimensional subspace models offer a convenient representation for many high-dimensional signals; such models form the backbone of least-squares signal processing and many common compression techniques...

Department Colloquium - Joel Zylberberg

Jan. 22, 2016

Joel Zylberberg, Department of Physiology and Biophysics, University of Colorado School of Medicine Mathematical and Computational Principles Underlying Robust Perception and Memory The nervous system is a surprisingly noisy place. For example, if one presents the exact same stimulus to an animal many times, and records the activities of their...
