Recreate Your Roots

Recreate Your Roots festival presents music for the people, by the people

Jan. 14, 2018

American Music Research Center sponsors two-week festival of free concerts, talks and community gatherings on campus and throughout Boulder County.

Not Enough Time

Barbara Bentree visits AMRC for New Film

Oct. 29, 2017

Barbara Bentree visits AMRC for New Film Barbara Bentree, CU Alumni and Producer of the film, " Dave Grusin: Not Enough Time ," recenly spent time in the AMRC archives to gather information about the scores he wrote. Here is an article from Variety about her work creating the film.

Randal Horton

Randal Horton

Oct. 29, 2016

Randal Horton Associated AMRC Scholar, Randal Horton interviews Jeffrey Taylor to discuss the origins of scholarly interest in the field of American music. The interview, where the AMRC is cited, is part of the American Music Educational Television Project and its American Music series hosted monthly by KRBC. Randal Horton...
