Published: April 17, 2019

Allison Fomanack (PhD 2018) will be leaving the University of Colorado this summer to begin new positions. In Fall 2019, she will be begin a postdoctoral fellowship at the Center for Humanistic Inquiry (CHI) and as a Visiting Lecturer position with the Department of Anthropology and Sociology at Amherst College. In Fall 2020 she will join the Department of Anthropology and Sociology at the University of Southern Mississippi as an Assistant Professor of Anthropology. Both of these positions emphasize public scholarship and engagement, and Allison is beyond excited for this next stage in her career. Allison writes that she is enormously grateful to Carla Jones, her advisor, and her committee including Donna Goldstein, Terry McCabe, Kaifa Roland, and Jeff Maskovsky (CUNY). She also thanks faculty, staff, and all her friends and colleagues in the CU Department of Anthropology for their enthusiastic support all these years.

Congratulations to Allison and advisor, Carla Jones!