Published: April 22, 2021
Will in the mountains with a horse

Will was a recipient of one of the 2021 CU Seed Grants for his project entitled: Exploring Pastoral Prehistory and Climate Dynamics in the Mongolian Altai Through Glacial Archaeology.  

Research & Innovation Seed Grants are specifically aimed to stimulate inter-and multidisciplinary work on research, scholarship, and creative activity projects that either:

  1. explore new areas of research with high impact and future funding potential, or
  2. pursue research, scholarship, or creative activity of high impact to arts and humanities disciplines.

Seed grants support projects that take investigators in creative, and sometimes high-risk, high-reward directions including team development proposals for future large collaborative research projects. Proposed projects may take a variety of forms but must represent an investment in the future research, scholarly, or creative vitality of the university.

Way to go Will!