Dani Merriman

(BA Sociology/Anthropology and Studio Art, 2009 Cornell College; MA Anthropology, 2011 University of Colorado; PhD Anthropology, 2018 University of Colorado). Merriman's research focuses on the peace and reconciliation process in Colombia. She analyzes the creative ways rural Colombian communities display their victimhood to the state and general public in order to 1) demand reparations for decades of war-related violence, and 2) demonstrate the longue-duree of institutionalized violence that has systematically targeted ethnic minority groups and rural farmers. Her advisor was L. Kaifa Roland.

Fall 2016 News
Danielle has been awarded a Jean Bovard Sanville Graduate Fellowship in the Social Sciences in the amount of $2000 for scholarly achievement in the areas of international and cross-cultural understanding. Merriman’s research explores the creation of visual art in Colombia as it relates to the past and present effects of armed conflict within the country.

Recent Publications:
Merriman, Dani R. 2017 "El Arte y la Condición de Víctima: lo político y lo estético de ´hacerse visible.´" (The Art of Victimhood: the politics and aesthetics of ´becoming visible´). Maguaré. 30(2): 47-79.

Fall 2019 News
Recent Anthropology graduate Dani R. Merriman (PhD 2018) won an award for best dissertation from the Association of Colombianists (Asociación de Colombianistas).

Asociación de Colombianistas, Best Doctoral Dissertation (2017-2019), Awarded at the XXI Bi-Annual Conference
Judged by a team of academics and the Association's board of Directors: María Mercedes Andrade, Andrea Fanta, Alejandro Herrero-Olaizola, Camilo Malagón, and Juliana Martínez
Dani R. Merriman, (University of Colorado Boulder)
Thesis Title: Critical Visibility in Colombia: Victimhood, Reparations, and the Challenge of Visibilizarse

Congratulations to Dani and her Advisor Kaifa Roland!