Kelly Zepelin

Kelly Zepelin (MA Cultural Anthropology, 2015 Colorado State University) is PhD Candidate in Cultural Anthropology. Her advisor is Dr. Kathryn Goldfarb. Kelly works with wild plant foragers in the American West to study wild food cultures, ethics, soil microbiology, decolonization, and the connection between ecological and human health.


  • Kelly Zepelin’s Research Featured in Boulder Magazine.  Click here to read more about her research and learn about hunting wild edibles in Boulder Magazine's feature article. 


Kelly Zepelin wins David M. Schneider Award from the American Anthropological Association

Kelly is the recipient of the 2021 David M. Schneider Award for her original graduate student essay, entitled “Root Mothers and Reciprocity: Ethical Frameworks of Wild Plant Harvest in Contemporary North American Foraging Communities.”

Kelly has been awarded the 2021 University of Colorado Dissertation Completion Fellowship; the 2019 University of Colorado Boulder Cartwright Award; the 2018 University of Colorado Boulder Research Award in Cultural Anthropology; the 2019 Hope Schultz Jozsa Award, Beverly Sears Named Grant; the 2018 and 2016 University of Colorado Anthropology Department Predissertation Research Grant; and the 2016 Sheryl R. Young Memorial Fellowship, exceptional female researchers.