Published: March 19, 2021
Cydney Justman standing in a warehouse

CU Anthropology Alumni Colleen Scanlan Lyons (PhDAnth’10) and Cydney Justman's (Anth’10) rapid COVID relief work featured in A&S Magazine.  
Way to go ANTH buffs!

Two CU Boulder anthropology alums facilitate rapid COVID relief in Brazil by coordinating an effort to deliver breathing devices

In January, The Washington Post reported a scene of growing desperation in Manaus, capital of the remote Brazilian state of Amazonas, where hospitals were being overwhelmed by COVID-19 patients and a critical shortage of oxygen supplies for patients. 

“There is a collapse in the health care system in Manaus. The line for hospital beds is growing by a lot,” Brazilian Health Minister Eduardo Pazuello said.

“We are in a deplorable situation,” one woman said in a video posted to Instagram. “Whoever has oxygen availability, bring it here to the polyclinic. Many people are dying.”

Just weeks later, in a remarkable feat of connection and collaboration, two University of Colorado Boulder anthropology graduates helped coordinate an effort to deliver 400 concentrators—breathing devices that are simpler, less invasive than ventilators and can be used by more than one person—to Manaus in a matter of days.

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