Published: Oct. 20, 2022
ANHU Journal Cover

Page McClean (Ph.D. Cultural Anthropology in Progress) publishes, "Crossing a River without a Horse" in Anthropology and Humanism.


While stories sit with you, their meanings may shift over time. This piece of creative ethnographic nonfiction shares the experience of what it is like to be there, live this life, and know this person. Beyond crossing rivers and runaway horses, I highlight the complexity, risk, and ingenuity of rural living in a part of Chilean Patagonia that the government calls “extreme,” “isolated,” and “backward.” This is a story about relationships and different forms of knowledge and expertise that become increasingly muddied across gendered town and country divides. It explores what it means to belong to a place and to make it one's own. [Patagonia, risk, knowledge, place, relationships] 

Read the entire article in Anthropology and Humanism Journal