Stephanie Kantor

Westworld 100 Colorado Creatives, Stephanie Kantor

Sept. 2, 2016

Ceramics grad student interviewed as part of Westworld's 100 Colorado Creatives list.

Original art work that is part of the MFA exhibition that is the result of a collaboration between the CU Museum of Natural History and MFA students.

CU museum’s collections inspire MFA exhibit

Jan. 21, 2016

Seven students, John DeFeo, Corrina Expinosa, Ariana Kolins, Ben McQuillan, Roberta Restaino, Carissa Samaniego and Adam Sekular have produced new artwork in response to the process of collecting, storing and sharing a rich and diverse cultural archive.

Image of Lisa Solberg holding a cow skull

Classically trained artist is über-cool icon

Dec. 3, 2015

‘I strive to make art that would evoke a similar shock to jumping in an ice-cold body of water,’ successful CU-Boulder alumna says

Melanie Yazzie sitting in a chair in front of her artwork

Melanie Yazzie Interview

Sept. 9, 2015

CU prof’s art, curated by alum, exhibited in Big Apple
