Philosophy (B.A.) Academic Course Map

The Bachelor of Arts degree in Philosophy (PHIL) at CU Boulder provides an essential component in any sound general education -- that form of education designed, not to prepare one for a specific career, but to give one a broad and general understanding of the world, the place of human beings in the world, and human values, as well as general intellectual skills that can be brought to bear on diverse subject matters. According to a recent study, the CU Philosophy Department is among the top 10 programs in the nation for its number of philosophy majors.

Many subject areas besides philosophy inculcate various general intellectual skills. But philosophy, unlike most such areas, deals professionally with logic, the use of language, and the assessment of evidence.  As a result, philosophy is an especially valuable training ground for the intellect. Such training is provided in almost all courses in philosophy, but especially in courses in logic or critical thinking, the philosophy of language, and epistemology (or the theory of knowledge). Such courses are invaluable to the person who must live by thinking -- the scientist, scholar, lawyer, journalist, business manager, etc.

Admission Requirements

Students who begin at a Colorado Community College can transfer directly to CU Boulder to finish their degree in any of the programs offered by the College of Arts and Sciences. Please see the CU Boulder College of Arts & Sciences’ Colorado Community College webpage for more information detailed information admissions requirements for students transfering from a Colorado Community College. 

Transfer Recommendations

To graduate in a 4-year time frame, it is important that students follow the recommended schedule. Students who wish to continue their education at the community college beyond the number of credits specified below should explore with both community college and CU Boulder staff how their graduation timeline, COF stipend, and financial aid will be affected.

Suggested Four-Year Course Plan for the Philosphy (PHIL) major

This is a suggested guide of coursework only and is subject to change. Always consult your academic advisor for graduation planning purposes. Depending on a student’s situation, a different plan might be more applicable. 

Your community college must offer an Associate of Arts degree with Designation (DwD) in Philosophy to use this transfer guide.

Community College (first two years)

Fall Semester 1

CourseCourse TitleCredits

PHI 111/1011*

Introduction to Philosophy (GT-AH3)3

ENG 121/1021

English Composition I (GT-CO1)

 Guaranteed Transfer Arts & Humanities Course (GT-AH1, GT-AH2, GT-AH4)
(Not PHI)
 Transfer Elective (not PHI)3
 Transfer Elective (not PHI)3
 Total Credits15

Spring Semester 1

CourseCourse TitleCredits

PHI 112/1012

Ethics (GT-AH3)3

ENG 122/1022

English Composition II (GT-CO2)

MAT 120/1240

Math for the Liberal Arts (GT-MA1) or any other GT-MA1 Course

 Guaranteed Transfer History Course (GT-HI1)3
 Transfer Elective  (not PHI)3
 Total Credits15

Fall Semester 2

CourseCourse TitleCredits

PHI 113/1013

Logic (GT-AH3)



Guaranteed Transfer Social & Behavioral Sciences Course (GT-SS1, GT-SS2, GT-SS3)



Guaranteed Transfer Natural & Physical Sciences Course (GT-SC1)

 Transfer Electives  (not PHI)5
 Total Credits15

Spring Semester 2

Course TitleCredits

*PHI Major Elective (GT-AH3)


PHI Major Elective (GT-AH3)


Guaranteed Transfer Natural & Physical Sciences Course (GT-SC1 or GT-SC2)


Guaranteed Transfer Arts & Humanities Course (GT-AH1, GT-AH2, GT-AH4)
(Not PHI)

Guaranteed Transfer Social & Behavioral Sciences Course (GT-SS1, GT-SS2, GT-SS3)3
Total Credits15

Total credits at your community college: 60

Completion of these four semesters of coursework fulfills the requirements for an Associate of Arts Degree with a Designation in Philosophy at your community college and fulfills the General Education requirements at CU Boulder.


CU Boulder (last two years)

Fall Semester 3

CourseCourse TitleCredits
PHIL 2440

**Symbolic Logic

PHIL 3480Critical Thinking/Writing in Philosophy3

Lower- or Upper-Division Non-Major Elective

 Lower- or Upper-Division Non-Major Elective3
 Lower- or Upper-Division Non-Major Elective3
 Total Credits15

Spring Semester 3

CourseCourse TitleCredits
PHIL 3000

History of Ancient Philosophy

PHIL 3010History of Modern Philosophy3

Upper-Division Non-Major Elective

 Upper-Division Non-Major Elective3
 Upper-Division Non-Major Elective3
 Total Credits15

Fall Semester 4

CourseCourse TitleCredits
PHIL 3100

Ethical Theory

PHIL 4340Epistemology3

PHIL Values Course

 Upper Division Non-Major Elective3
 Upper Division Non-Major Elective3
 Total Credits15

Spring Semester 4

Course TitleCredits

PHIL Upper Division Metaphysics course


PHIL 4000-level History Course


Upper Division Non-Major Elective

Upper Division Non-Major Elective3
Upper Division Non-Major Elective3
Total Credits15

Total credits at CU Boulder: 60

Completion of all eight semesters of coursework listed above fulfills the requirements for a Bachelor of Arts Degree with a major in Philosophy at CU Boulder.

*For community college courses, the first course number is previous to summer 2022, and the second course number is the new number starting in summer 2022.

**Do not take PHI 114/1014, PHI 115/1015, or PHI 116/1016 as these transfer to CU Boulder as Religious Studies (RLST) courses rather than as Philosophy (PHIL) courses.

***Student who took PHI 213/2013 Symbloic Logic (GT-AH3) as one of their PHI Major Elective courses at their community college can replace this with an elective course at CU Boulder.

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