Published: March 16, 2011

Gigi Ibrahim, lower right, made the cover of Time magazine for her use of social media in the Egyptian revolution.

Twenty-four year old Egyptian activist Gigi Ibrahim will deliver a plenary address at this year’s Conference on World Affairs. Her speech, “Inside the Egyptian Revolution,” will be held in Macky Auditorium on Thursday, April 7 at 3 p.m.

Ibrahim was a leading organizer and activist leading up to and during the revolution. She received international recognition though her constant Facebook and Twitter updates from inside Tahrir Square.

Ibrahim was recently featured on the cover of Time magazine as a member of “The Generation Changing the World” and has been the subject of numerous media segments, including PBS’s Frontline.

After spending her childhood in Egypt, Ibrahim attended high school and college in Anaheim, California.

In 2008, she transferred back to Egypt to attend the American University in Cairo, where she helped in the planning and preparation of the recent demonstrations.

All Conference on World Affairs sessions are free and open to the public, making the CWA the largest, most accessible event of its kind in the country.

The full schedule of events for the 63rd Conference on World Affairs will be posted online by Monday, March 21 at:

Follow Ibrahim's Twitter feed at!/gsquare86

March 16, 2011