Image of previous cohort of Faculty Fellows

The Center for Teaching and Learning and ASSETT are pleased to continue our campus-wide Faculty Fellows program! During Fall 2024, faculty fellows will attend a seminar and engage with a cohort of colleagues around teaching topics such as course design, active learning, inclusive teaching, teaching assessments, teaching with technology and other topics of interest. Apply now!

People talking at the previous active learning academy

We are happy to announce the Active Learning Academy will continue for another year! This program is NSF-funded, faculty-driven, and supported by ASSETT and the CTLThe academy offers a series of three semester-long PD programs that build from one to the next: Learning by Design, Follow-up Mentoring, and Course Re/Design. Apply now!

"Sign Up Today" written in code on a computer

The rapid popularization of generative AI tools has created new challenges and opportunities for educators while raising complex questions about how we can best prepare our students to work with AI responsibly and ethically in their future professional, personal, and civic lives. Please join us in the unfolding experience of understanding this emergent technology at Summer Studio 2024: Teaching & Learning with AI!

Screenshot of Active Learning Card Website

Swing by the CTL in CASE E390 to grab your own FREE physical deck of cards, or visit our new Active Learning Cards website to explore them virtually!

ASSETT Podcast Network Logo

Welcome to the ASSETT Podcast network where we feature a variety of voices from the University of Colorado’s teaching and learning community in the College of Arts & Sciences. Here you can access mini-series focused on topics ranging from student success, to technology share outs, to insights from faculty, staff, and students for improving the undergraduate learning experience, and more.