ATLAS Institute Bylaws and Policies

ATLAS Bylaws, updated April 2022, are available to download as a PDF.

ATLAS Faculty Merit Review: Refer to the Process and Explanation of Ratings Google Doc.

Privacy Policy: ATLAS subscribes to the University of Colorado Boulder privacy policy.

ATLAS Institute Policy on Promotion of Instructor Rank Faculty Members: The ATLAS Institute conforms to the Boulder campus Description of Non-Tenure Track roles and to the Boulder campus Academic Affairs Guidelines for the Appointment, Evaluation, and Promotion of Lecturer and Instructor Rank Faculty.

A promotion to the rank of senior instructor shall be based on the following measures:

  • Teaching
    • The Instructor shall provide a dossier summarizing his/her teaching activities, including:
      • A list of courses taught starting from the time of initial appointment as Instructor.
      • A summary of FCQ scores starting from the time of initial appointment as Instructor.
      • A list of new courses developed starting from the time of initial appointment as Instructor.
      • Other evidence of exemplary teaching (e.g., major curriculum revisions, awards, accolades)
      • In addition to the materials provided by the Instructor, the ATLAS Institute shall solicit letters of reference selected at random from current and / or past students.
  • Service
    • The instructor shall provide a dossier summarizing his/her service activities from the time of initial appointment as Instructor.
  • Research and/or creative work
    • The normal workload is 80% teaching, 20% service, however Senior Instructors may be reappointed at a differential workload (e.g. 80% teaching, 10% service, 10% research/creative work.) If applicable, the Instructor will provide a dossier summarizing their research and/or creative work starting from the time of initial appointment as Instructor.
  • Annual evaluations
    • The Instructor shall compile a list of annual evaluations over the past seven years or starting from their time of initial appointment as Instructor.
  • Currency in the field of study
    • The Instructor shall provide a letter addressing their current relevance in their field.
  • Reference letters
    • The instructor shall provide the names of three referees external to the ATLAS Institute who can advise ATLAS with regard to the Instructor’s promotion to Senior Instructor.

The ATLAS Institute Executive Committee shall review these materials before they are submitted, along with a recommendation from the ATLAS Institute Director, to the relevant hiring authority. 

Graduate Student Travel Funding Policy

ATLAS encourages graduate students to advance their own academic, professional and career development through the publication and presentation of papers and/or attendance at conferences, seminars, symposia and workshops. Funds are available through ATLAS and are intended to offset the travel costs associated with the presentation of papers, posters, research products or creative work. All ATLAS graduate students are eligible. Please note: in order to be eligible for ATLAS travel funding, the ATLAS Institute must be acknowledged as your affiliation on any publication or presentation. You will not be reimbursed if your ATLAS affiliation is not acknowledged.

General Policy

Because ATLAS funds are limited, we will only accept travel fund request from students who have pursued the following opportunities and resources first:

  • Ask your advisor or research sponsor first. Your research contract or advisor’s discretionary account should be your primary support for travel.
  • Apply for any fellowships, travel funds or student volunteer opportunities offered by the conference organizers and/or sponsors.
  • Apply for the United Government of Graduate Students (UGGS) travel fund (see below).

Application Process

  • Discuss your travel interests and plans with your faculty advisor/research sponsor. Their knowledge and support of your travel plans are required.
  • Exhaust the funding opportunities described above.
  • Fill in and submit this form. Then alert that you submitted it.
  • Applications will be reviewed by the ATLAS Graduate Committee.
  • Keep all receipts during travel and write on the receipt the precise reason for the expenditure. When you return from the conference, scan all receipts and submit them electronically to as PDFs for reimbursement. Keep original hard copies in case they are needed by ATLAS accounting.


The following table indicates the amounts of travel support that ATLAS will provide in various categories. The lower bound of the range indicates the amount that the school can provide, regardless of other support you may obtain. ATLAS may provide up to the upper bound, if your advisor or research sponsor will match this amount. For example, the school will provide $75 for domestic travel to attend a conference, and will match your advisor’s support up to a maximum of $150.

  • $75-$150 Domestic travel for conference attendance
  • $225-$450 Domestic travel for conference presentation of your work
  • $150-$300 International travel for conference attendance
  • $450-$900 International travel for conference presentation of your work

You may receive only one conference travel fund award per academic year. Reimbursement will be issued for travel and related conference expenses such as but not limited to: registration fees, accommodation and transportation. You are expected to present a conference report to the ATLAS PhD seminar.