Matt Whitlock with a winter hat on in front of trees
PhD Student
Computer Science

Matt is a fourth-year PhD student. He is interested in how we interact with novel technologies, including augmented reality, and how can leverage these technologies for useful, real-world applications.

For more information aboutt Matt, view his LinkedIn page. Alumni pages are not always updated.​



  • M. Whitlock & D. Albers Szafir. 2021. Immersive Design Reviews through Situated Qualitative Feedback. In Evaluating User Experiences in Mixed Reality Workshop at the 2021 Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2021). (Yokohama, Japan–May 8-13, 2021).
  • B. Ens, B. Bach, M. Cordeil, U. Engelke, M. Serrano, W. Willett, A. Prouzeau, C. Anthes, W. Büschel, C. Dunne, T. Dwyer, J. Grubert, J. Haga, N. Kirshenbaum, D. Kobayashi, T. Lin, M. Olaosebikan, F. Pointecker, D. Saffo, N. Saquib, D. Schmalstieg, D. Albers Szafir, M. Whitlock, & Y. Yang. 2021. Grand Challenges in Immersive Analytics. (to appear) In Proceedings of the 2021 Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI’21). DOI: (Yokohama, Japan–May 8-13, 2021). pdf.
  • M. Whitlock, Daniel Szafir, & Kenny Gruchalla. 2020. HydrogenAR: Interactive Data-Driven Storytelling for Dispenser Reliability. In Proceedings of the International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR), DOI: 10.1109/ISMAR50242.2020.00101. (Virtual–Nov. 9-13, 2020) pdf
  • M. WhitlockS. Smart and D. A. Szafir. 2020. Graphical Perception for Immersive Analytics, 2020 IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces (VR), Atlanta, GA, USA, 2020, pp. 616-625, doi: 10.1109/VR46266.2020.00084. (Atlanta, Georgia (virtual)–March 22-26, 2020). [Best Paper Nominee]
  • Whitlock M., Mitchell J., Pfeufer N., Arnot B., Craig R., Wilson B., Chung B., & Danielle Albers Szafir.  2020. MRCAT: In Situ Prototyping of Interactive AR Environments. International Conference on Virtual and Mixed Reality (VAMR 2020). DOI: (Copenhagen, Denmark, July 22-24, 2020). pdf
  • Matt WhitlockKeke Wu, & Danielle Albers Szafir. 2019. Designing for Mobile and Immersive Visual Analytics in the Field. Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics, 2020. In Proceedings of IEEE VIS 2019. (Vancouver, Canada–Oct. 20-25, 2019). DOI: 10.1109/TVCG.2019.2934282.
  • M. Whitlock & D. Albers Szafir. 2019. Situated Prototyping of Data-Driven Applications in Augmented Reality. Interaction Design and Prototyping for Immersive Analytics at CHI 2019. (Glasgow, UK–May 4-9, 2019).