The Faculty Affairs Committee shall address matters of faculty responsibilities and rights in teaching, research, and service. In particular, the Committee shall: make recommendations in regard to a comprehensive and continuing system to evaluate faculty while at the same time giving proper protection to the rights of individuals. The Committee shall be responsible for policy relating to the professional rights and responsibilities of faculty members. It shall periodically review the Professional Rights and Duties of Faculty Members and Roles and Professional Duties of Department Chairs document, and recommend to the Assembly appropriate revisions. The Committee shall monitor the activities of the Vice Chancellor’s Advisory Committee, the Research and Innovation Office, and the Privilege and Tenure Committee of the Faculty Council, and their functional successors, as well as any grievance procedures that concern faculty, and make appropriate recommendations to the Assembly on matters of policy relating to the work of these committees. 

The FAC generally meets monthly for one hour in fall and spring semesters.

The committee will be looking at salary adjustment practices as part of the second phase of the salary equity process, and is likely to include unit-level merit evaluation processes. Additionally members will continue to track academic freedom issues on campus and defend faculty rights and interests. 


Committee Chair

NameContact Information
Kelly Parkes
FAC Chair • FAC Representative: Other Units
College of Music

BFA Representatives

NameContact Information
Markus Pflaum
At Large Representative • FAC Representative: BFA • GAC Co-Chair • Professor
Vacant Spot
FAC Representative: BFA

A&S Representatives

NameContact Information
Jill Harrison
FAC Representative: A&S • Associate Professor
Geography • Environmental Studies
Andrew Martin
FAC Representative: A&S • Professor
Hillary Potter
FAC Representative: A&S • Professor
Women and Gender Studies

Other Units (Non-A&S) Representatives

NameContact Information
Melissa Cantrell
At Large Representative: Other Units • FAC Representative: Other Units • Assistant Professor
University Libraries
Dejun "Tony" Kong
At-Large Representative • DIVC Representative: Other Units • FAC Representative: Other Units • Associate Professor
Leeds School of Business
Kelly Parkes
FAC Chair • FAC Representative: Other Units
College of Music

Campus & Administration Liaisons

NameContact Information
Michele Moses
Assoc. Vice Chancellor for Faculty Affairs • AAC Administration Liaison • FAC Administration Liaison • TFAC Administration Liaison
Office of Faculty Affairs