Network map depicting academic flow of CU Boulder-trained students to their hiring institutions

Clauset and Larremore Lab research discussed in "A handful of universities may control flow of ideas, people in academia"

June 11, 2024

Just five U.S. universities have trained 1-in-8 tenure-track faculty members serving at the nation’s institutions of higher learning, according to new CU Boulder research. The study, published Sept. 21 in the journal Nature , takes the most exhaustive look yet at the structure of the American professoriate—capturing data on nearly...

Volunteers, part of the Utah HERO project, walk down a neighborhood path.

Utah Aims To Test 10,000 Residents In Ambitious COVID-19 Study

May 26, 2020

Masked testing site employee shows instructions to a driver at the new testing facility in Denver.

Gov. Polis, Mayor Hancock unveil massive coronavirus testing site at Pepsi Center

May 26, 2020


Dan Larremore Joins Nationwide Study Seeking to Use Social Media Data to Better Understand the Growth of Coronavirus Cases

April 7, 2020

Figure 1

Control of excitable systems is optimal near criticality

Dec. 31, 2019

Experiments suggest that cerebral cortex gains several functional advantages by operating in a dynamical regime near the critical point of a phase transition. However, a long-standing criticism of this hypothesis is that critical dynamics are rather noisy, which might be detrimental to aspects of brain function that require precision. If...

Perfect targeting (α=0) initial and final dynamic regime.

Dynamics of beneficial epidemics

Dec. 3, 2019

Pathogens can spread epidemically through populations. Beneficial contagions, such as viruses that enhance host survival or technological innovations that improve quality of life, also have the potential to spread epidemically. How do the dynamics of beneficial biological and social epidemics differ from those of detrimental epidemics? We investigate this question...

Stochastic sampling leads to variation in observed overlap.

Bayes-optimal estimation of overlap between populations of fixed size

Oct. 23, 2019

Measuring the overlap between two populations is, in principle, straightforward. Upon fully sampling both populations, the number of shared objects—species, taxonomical units, or gene variants, depending on the context—can be directly counted. In practice, however, only a fraction of each population’s objects are likely to be sampled due to stochastic...

A layer (chapter) of a network of character co-occurences from David Foster Wallace’s novel Infinite Jest

webweb: a tool for creating, displaying, and sharing interactive network visualizations on the web

Oct. 23, 2019

webweb is a package for creating interactive and portable visualizations of complex networks in the web browser that can be easily shared. With webweb, users of MATLAB, pure Python, and Python’s networkX (Aric A. Hagberg & Pieter J. Swart, 2008) are able to write complex network data directly to a...

Inside Hire Ed

Pedigree and Productivity

May 2, 2019

A 2015 study found that “social inequality” across a range of disciplines was so bad that just 25 percent of Ph.D. institutions produced 71 to 86 percent of tenured and tenure-track professors, depending on field. The effect was more extreme the farther up the chain the researchers looked, based on...

Dan Larremore

Dan Larremore Receives DoD Minerva Research Initiative Award

March 26, 2019

The Department of Defense continued its history of strong support for fundamental research by selecting 12 faculty investigators for awards through the FY2018 Minerva Research Initiative. This initiative supports basic research that focuses on topics of particular relevance to U.S. national security. Through its network of faculty investigators, the Minerva...
