Paid parental leave sorted by name of organization

BioFrontiers research cited in article related to updated UVa paid parental leave policy

Sept. 12, 2018

Adapted from The Daily Progress article . The University of Virginia on Tuesday announced expanded paid leave benefits for new parents — a move that goes beyond a state executive order and one that could help the school remain competitive with its peers. In June, Gov. Ralph Northam issued an...


More Inclusive Scholarship Begins With Active Experimentation

Nov. 1, 2017

To the Editor: Today’s hyper-competitive environment makes it easy to forget that academe wasn’t always organized around measuring and rewarding merit. In fact, the simple idea that merit could be assessed from publications, and that scholarship should be published at all, was, as Andrew Piper and Chad Wellmon have recently...

Does faculty productivity really decline with age? New study says no

Does faculty productivity really decline with age? New study says no

Oct. 17, 2017

For 60 years, studies of everyone from psychologists to biologists to mathematicians have shown the same remarkably similar academic research trajectory: Scientists publish prolifically early in their careers, peak after about five years, get tenure and begin a long slow decline in productivity. But a new CU Boulder study published...

Faculty careers can progress in many directions

Faculty careers can progress in many directions

Oct. 17, 2017

The canonical story of faculty productivity goes like this: A researcher begins a tenure-track position, builds their research group, and publishes as much as possible to make their case for being awarded tenure. After getting tenure, increased service and administrative responsibilities kick in and research productivity slowly declines. But now,...
