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Learn about your strengths!

Have you ever had an inclination or been told by others that you are good at something but didn’t know how to put language to it? CliftonStrengths is an assessment that identifies your top five strengths. The assessment is based on the theory of Positive Psychology, asking the question, “What if we studied what is right with people?”. These strengths are what make you, you, and empower you to be the best version of yourself. Strengths Peer Coaches help you develop and celebrate your strengths and consider how you can apply them to your goals and day-to-day life. They are here to help you increase self-awareness and explore areas of natural talent. 


The foundational equation of CliftonStrengths is Talent x Investment = Strength. Just having a talent doesn’t necessarily make it a strength. Time, energy, and investment are required to make your talents become strengths. Much like a sport or a hobby, you need time and hard work to hone your talents, and Strengths Coaching is a part of investing in those talents. Strengths Coaches connect individually with students to identify the areas in which they naturally excel and partner with them to create tangible goals to apply their strengths to relationships, academics, and work. Sign-up for a Strengths chat today by visiting:


Learn more about our Strengths Peer Coaches:

Max G. is a sophomore studying Information Science and minoring in Political Science. He is the vice president of Student Government for CMCI and also an ambassador for CMCI. He aspires to be a catalyst for positive change, continuously growing alongside his peers and classmates. He believes in the power of storytelling through data to cultivate a culture of morals and relevance in the age we live in. He believes that we all have a unique individual story to tell and wants to help students uncover their stories. During strengths chats, Max helps students discover what makes them unique and works on achieving their goals and aspirations.  


Eden R. is a junior in the Leeds School of Business studying Finance. She plans to pursue the Personal Financial Planning track because she hopes to become a Financial Advisor when she graduates. Eden is involved in several Leeds organizations including her position as Vice President of Membership of the Women in Business club and her role as a Leeds Peer-to-Peer Mentor. Eden takes these experiences with her in her Strengths Peer Coaching role. She sees her job as making connections with students by motivating them to use their strengths to be the best version of themselves and empowering students to make the world a better place. In addition to her job and academic life, Eden enjoys physical activities outdoors such as hiking Chautauqua Park and hanging out on Pearl Street with her friends.


Christina F. is a junior studying Psychology and Sociology, minoring in Chinese, and working towards certificates in Public Health and Care, Health, and Resilience. On campus, she is extremely passionate about advocating for the representation of underserved groups through her work and involvement with the Cultural Events Board and Asian Unity student organization. She loves working at Career Services through her job as a Strengths Peer Coach due to her desire to help others fully appreciate and develop their own strengths. Through her professional development and own personal interests, she aspires to one day go into the field of psychology or public health, either as a counselor or public health professional. She loves helping others, and hopes to continue to do it every day both in her personal and professional life. 


Abbie C. is majoring in Media Design and minoring in Sociology. She prioritizes her times being in the outdoors, expressing creativity, and finding opportunities for collaboration. In addition to being a student, she spends time painting, playing the guitar and singing, kickboxing, hiking, and taking lots of photos and videos with her camera named “Pip”. In the too-short Colorado summers, she finds herself rafting in the deep canyons of Colorado and Utah and running around with her camera in wildflower-covered fields. In her role as a Strengths Peer Coach, she helps students discover more about themselves. She hopes to utilize her training as a Peer Coach to propel her into a life of service towards others and a career focused on the importance of human connection (while hopefully using her creativity along the way). Abbie's coaching philosophy is based on finding support for students that aligns with their individual power, potential, and purpose. By using CliftonStrengths, Abbie aims to bring the best out of every student she meets with.