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Seats available in Galapagos Islands Global Intensive for EBIO credit!

There are four seats available in EBIO 4460 section 802 - Global Intensive: Ecology & Evolution in the Galapagos Islands (Ecuador) for Fall 2024! This class can be taken for EBIO 4000 level lab credit.

The program focuses on the connections between ecology, evolution, the history of science, and conservation in a place that forever links these foundational topics. The on-site portion of the course is mostly field-based. You will engage in field observations and investigations on site, and maintain a field notebook.

Classes will be held on-campus during the Fall semester to prepare for the field-based experiential learning that will take place among selected islands of the Galápagos Archipelago over winter break.

To enroll or ask questions, please email Scott Taylor at Scott.A.Taylor@Colorado.EDU. You can also read more about the Intensive at the Ed Abroad website.