Published: May 3, 2022 By

Eight graduate students are graduating from the Biomedical Engineering Program in spring 2022. This is the second group of graduate students to earn degrees from the program since it was created in 2019. 

Two of the students are graduating with their doctoral degree, while the six others have earned a master's degree. Read more about some of those biomedical engineering graduates, their research interests and plans for after graduation. The Biomedical Engineering Program is excited to see how each of these graduates will improve medical care and society in the future.

Recent graduates improving the world of healthcare

Jet Mante, PhD

After completing my undergraduate degree in England, I joined the Genetic Logic Lab, which was originally at the University of Utah. When the lab moved to the University of Colorado Boulder, I transfered to CU. Since moving, I have enjoyed the hiking trails and local theatre. Being Dutch though, the nearby Nederland is really what makes me feel at home!

I will stay at CU Boulder as a postdoc until December, while I look for plant synthetic biology post docs.

Research Interest 
Synthetic Biology with a focus on the reuse of data and genetic components.

Favorite part of being a Buff
I enjoy going out for lunch at the C4C with campus friends.

Lukas Buecherl, MS

I was born and raised in Munich, Germany and obtained a bachelor of science in electrical engineering from the University of Ulm, Germany, in 2019. I then before joined the Genetic Logic Lab as a PhD student under the supervision of Dr. Chris Myers. I am also a member of the IQ Biology program with my research focussing on synthetic biology and its possible applications in improving human lives. Currently, I am working in computational synthetic biology and hope to extend my knowledge with wet lab experience.

After graduating with my master’s degree, I will stay here at CU Boulder to finish my PhD. In the long run, I hope I can stay in academia.

Research Interest
My interests revolve around synthetic biology, 3D printing and microcontroller programming. In the future, I would love to combine all these interests into one research project or research group.

Favorite part of being a Buff
Coming from Europe, it has been a great experience at CU Boulder. I love my research and Boulder itself. And I can go to the football games!

Blake Herrema, MS

I grew up in Littleton, Colorado and attended Denver Christian High School. I studied mechanical engineering during my undergrad at Dordt University in Iowa before returning to Colorado to studt Biomedical Engineering at CU Boulder. I love spending time outdoors and staying active, plus being with my family.

Following graduation, I will be refining my thesis and pursuing publication with my advisor. I will then be exploring opportunities in the diagnostic imaging and medical device industries. Ideally, I will be able to stay in the Denver area!

Research Interest
Ultrasound Imaging

Favorite part of being a Buff
The atmosphere on campus is unmatched. In particular, I loved seeing the flatirons with new weather everyday.   

Additional Spring 2022 Graduates

  • Jennifer Coulombe, PhD
  • Gabriela ​Diaz, MS
  • Alyssa ​Kelly, MS
  • Megan ​Makam, MS
  • Pawel ​Sawicki, MS