Headshot of Christophe Spaenjers
Associate Professor • Faculty and Academic Director, MS in Real Estate • CUREC Research Director
Finance • CU Real Estate Center • Center for Research on Consumer Financial Decision Making

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Christophe Spaenjers is an Associate Professor of Finance at the Leeds School of Business. He is an academic expert on the markets for real estate, art, and other "real and private-value assets." He graduated with a Ph.D. in Finance from Tilburg University (the Netherlands) in 2011. Prior to joining Leeds in 2022, he was a faculty member at HEC Paris (France). His research has been published in leading academic journals such as the American Economic ReviewJournal of FinanceReview of Financial StudiesJournal of Financial Economics, and Management Science. His research has been covered extensively in the popular press (e.g., The EconomistFinancial TimesNew York TimesWall Street Journal) as well.