cover page of RiverWare 8.1 Release Notes

New RiverWare Version 8.1

CADSWES is pleased to announce RiverWare version 8.1, available Aug. 6, 2020. Highlights include: undo and redo of slot data edits; model and RPL set comparison enhancements; RiverWISE enhancements; and RiverWare workspace usability improvements.

CADSWES logo, RiverWare logo, RiverWare workspace, Colorado River and a dam

CADSWES Presents at CEAE Hydrology & Water Resources Seminar, April 29, 2020

Mitch Clement and Tim Magee of CADSWES present “RiverWare for Managing Hydropower in Complex River Basins” at the CU Boulder CEAE Hydrology & Water Resources Seminar, 11 a.m., Wednesday, April 29, 2020, via Zoom.

AGU logo

CADSWES Presentation at AGU Fall Meeting December, 2019

Graduate student Mitchell Frischmeyer presented a poster session of his research, “Simulated Effects of Adapting Flood Control Operations for Variable Inflow Forecasts on Klamath River Basin Water Supplies.” The four-day American Geophysical Union (AGU) event is a leading forum for the advancement of research in Earth and space sciences.

National Hydrology Project, Department of Water Resources collage

Edie Zagona Presents at International Conference on Sustainable Water Management, November 2019

The three-day conference in Pune, India, was hosted by the World Bank National Hydrology Project and the India Department of Water Resources. CADSWES Director Edie Zagona presented on the uses of RiverWare for long-term planning studies.

Edie Zagona presenting at the workshop

Edie Zagona Attends Nile Drought Management and RiverWare Workshop, October 2019

At the three-day workshop held Oct. 29–31, 2019, in Khartoum, Sudan, water resources experts from Ethiopia, Sudan and Egypt presented their RiverWare model applications for the Eastern Nile Basin.

Water Resources Research publication cover

Edie Zagona Co-authors Study Proposing Modeling Approach to Understand Variability and Predictability of River Flow

“A Nonlinear Dynamical Systems-based Modeling Approach for Stochastic Simulation of Streamflow and Understanding Predictability” was published in Water Resources Research, June 17, 2019.

Lower Colorado Regional Director T Fulp, CADSWES Director E Zagona, Commissioner B Berman, Prof J Kaspryzk and Dept. Chair B Rajagopalan

CADSWES Hosts Bureau of Reclamation Officials, October 2019

The Oct. 1–2, 2019 visit by Reclamation Commissioner Brenda Burman and other officials provided an opportunity to review and celebrate the evolution and accomplishments of the 30-year collaborative partnership between Reclamation and CADSWES.

greeting attendees at the 2019 User Group Meeting

2019 RiverWare User Group Meeting

Over 125 representatives from a variety of government agencies and private organizations gathered for two days of presentations and demonstrations by RiverWare users and CADSWES staff, Aug. 28–29, 2019.


David Neumann Presents at Federal Interagency SEDHYD Conference, June 2019

The Federal Interagency Sedimentation and Hydrologic Modeling (SEDHYD) Conference was held June 24–28, 2019, in Reno, Nevada. David Neumann of CADSWES presented a study he co-authored, “River and Reservoir Operations Using RiverWare Within the Corps Water Management System (CWMS).”

instructor assisting a student at a computer screen

CADSWES Holds First RiverWare Optimization Class, June 2019

In the class, held June 12–14, 2019, Tim Magee and Mitch Clement of CADSWES introduced attendees to RiverWare optimization concepts and applications and facilitated hands-on exercises using sample models.
