On-Campus Interviews

center for community with flowers

On-Campus Interviews (OCIs) are your opportunity to interview with employers from all industries during the fall and spring semesters for full-time, part-time or internship positions.

Employers will either post OCIs in Handshake, or they will work directly with Career Services to schedule a day for interviews. OCIs only occur when an employer advertises that they will be interviewing candidates for an open position. They will either post the interview opportunity on Handshake, talk about the opportunity and schedule interview slots during a career fair, or during a tabling or information session. An employer's recruiting schedule may depend on which major/industry you are studying/interested in. However, the fall semester is typically the busiest recruiting season during the school year. If you search for on campus interviews in Handshake, and none are populated, this means that no employers are scheduling on campus interviews.

Please note that OCIs are not an on-going, weekly occurrence in our office. You can view any upcoming OCIs in Handshake.
Find out more about how to prepare for interviews, and/or schedule a meeting with a career advisor here.

You can search for interviews in Handshake a few different ways.

  1. Log in to Handshake.
  2. If you would like to browse for interviews coming up on campus you can select 'Jobs' on the left navigation bar.
  3. Next, you'll need to filter by selecting the filters button, and checking the box titled 'interviewing on campus'.
  4. Then click apply the filter.
  5. Employers who are interviewing on campus will be listed. Note that employers will only be interviewing on campus when they have requested to do so with our office. You will most likely see employers listed between late August through October. If you do not see any employers listed, then no employers are currently interviewing on campus.
  6. Click on the employer to see what jobs they have posted for you to apply for in order to be considered for an on-campus interview.
  7. You'll need to go through the application process on Handshake in order to be considered. You will receive a confirmation email of your job application and the employer will notify you if you have been selected for an on campus interview after the application period ends.
    Note: If the interview is associated with a position you will be directed to the job application.
  1. Log in to Handshake.
  2. If you have applied to a job that is hosting an interview on campus and you would like to see if you have been selected for an interview you can select Interviews on the left-hand navigation bar. Here you can search for interviews that you have applied to. 
  3. Next, you will need to review the timeline of the interview. If the interview is open for taking slots you can click Take Slot.
  4. If you need to choose a different time in the schedule you can choose:
    Request Swap: Request to swap time slots with another student. There is no guarantee that the student will accept this request to swap slots so make sure you keep an eye on your interview slot.
    Leave Slot: Remove your selection from the schedule. Until you pick a new time you will not be included in the interview schedule.
    Switch to Slot: Moves you to a new slot in the schedule, this option will only be available if there are open slots to switch to.

Note: If the schedule shows that the signup period has ended, the schedule will be locked and you will not be able to leave or make any other changes on your own. Please reach out to Career Services for assistance. 

  1. To download your unofficial transcript, follow these review these instructions from the registrar.
  2. Log in to Handshake.
  3. Click My Account and then My Documents.
  4. Find the transcript section under employer-related categories and proceed to upload the file.
  5. Click the Browse button to locate the file, select it and click open.
  6. Label the document title (e.g., Unofficial Transcript 1/2021).
  7. Upload.

No-show policy for interviewing

A student or alumni who does not show up at a scheduled interview, or who does not give Career Services or an employer a minimum of 24 hours (not including weekend or holidays) notice of cancellation, disrupts efforts by becoming a “no-show.” Review the No-Show Policy prior to scheduling your interview.