june gruber headshot
Faculty Fellow

June Gruber, an Associate Professor of Psychology and Neuroscience and Director of the Positive Emotion and Psychopathology Laboratory, will be a new Faculty Fellow in the Center for Teaching and Learning this year. Dr. Gruber will oversee new initiatives focused on fostering faculty support around student mental health issues commonly arising in teaching and mentoring contexts. Dr. Gruber will provide faculty support and guidance for faculty handling student mental health challenges, promote and lead workshops and resources on best practices, and serve as a liaison to harmonize efforts across campus focused on optimizing resources, training and best practices on supporting faculty and student mental health on campus. She  is currently the Chair of the Boulder Faculty Assembly Student Affairs Committee and has been previously served on the College of Arts and Sciences Student Mental Health Task Force and taught workshops for faculty on handling student mental health in the classroom in the Center for Teaching and Learning on campus and in the field.