If You Go
Date: February 25, 2014
Time: 6:30 PM
Where: Hale Science, Room 270

Natural Gas Development and Indian Country

FrackingSENSE 2.0: What We Know, What We Don’t Know, and What We Hope to Learn about Oil & Gas Development.

The Center of the American West, in conjunction with the AirWaterGas Sustainability Network and Boulder County are proud to introduce the Spring edition of FrackingSENSE 2.0. We have encouraged our speakers to offer evidence-based findings that might lead to recommendations and prescriptions for the future. All our upcoming speakers will demonstrate how they weigh evidence, evaluate conflicting studies, and appraise contradictory claims.

Roger Fragua
February 25, 2014
Roger Fragua
Natural Gas Development and Indian Country

Tim Wirth
March 10, 2014
Tim Wirth
Thinking About Fracking and Other Mysteries
Special Location: Wittemyer Courtroom, Wolf Law Building

Jim Martin
March 10, 2014
Jim Martin
Thinking About Fracking and Other Mysteries
Special Location: Wittemyer Courtroom, Wolf Law Building

Pete Morton
March 11, 2014
Pete Morton
Redefining Responsible Oil and Gas Development

Rebecca Watson
March 18, 2014
Rebecca Watson
Is the oil and gas industry exempt from major environmental laws and what about that “fracking” loophole?

Norman Warpinski
April 1, 2014
Norman Warpinski
Hydraulic Fracturing: Where Does the Research Lead Us?
Josh Joswick
April 15, 2014
Josh Joswick
The Theology of Fracking: God Only Knows What’s Going to Happen Next