Economic Issues of Shale Oil and Gas Development

Event Date: Apr 30, 2013
Event Time: 6:30 p.m.
Location: Hale Science, Room 270

FrackingSENSE: What We Know, What We Don’t Know, and What We Hope to Learn about Natural Gas Development.

The Center of the American West, Boulder County, and the AirWaterGas Research Network invite you to a new lecture series. Beginning on February 26th, on Tuesday nights through May, a speaker with substantial expertise on natural gas development will provide a measured, honest exploration of this controversial topic. Each presenter will be scrupulous about acknowledging areas of uncertainty (“What We Don’t Know”), and emphasizing open questions that require careful deliberation. Throughout the series, CU historian Patty Limerick will act as moderator. Recognizing that many members of the audience will hold strong opinions, we look forward to honest – and civil and respectful – discussions of a crucially important topic.

Frackenomics from CU Outreach on Vimeo.

Download the speakers’ PowerPoint as a pdf here.

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