photo of Christy Woodward
Colorado Oil & Gas Association • Senior Director of Regulatory Affairs

Christy Woodward serves as the Senior Director of Regulatory Affairs for the Colorado Oil & Gas Association. She leads COGA’s regulatory strategy. Ms. Woodward has 19 years’ experience in civil and environmental engineering design and project management, including Clean Water and Clean Air Act permitting and compliance as well as Wildlife and Cultural assessments for energy projects on Federal Lands. She is an Environmental Engineer who has provided technical support for the oil and gas industry, the homebuilding industry, mining industry, other private clients, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the Department of Defense.  Ms. Woodward’s technical experience includes regulatory compliance, permitting, and agency negotiation; planning and implementation of surface and subsurface investigations and remedial evaluations; remedial design and implementation; design and implementation of hydrogeological, hydrological, and sedimentation studies; watershed management projects; and stormwater control projects.

Title: Innovation and Adaptation in Colorado’s Oil and Natural Gas Industry – For several years, housing expansion and development in the Denver-Julesburg Basin and other critical areas around the State has resulted in a rift between neighboring communities and the oil-and-gas industry (OGI) caused by much confusion and fear accompanying a plethora of misinformation.  This has generated mistrust amongst critical stakeholders.  The OGI is incredibly technical and innovative, allowing it to thoughtfully and carefully mitigate a variety of concerns.  However, it doesn’t always communicate effectively and can be slow to respond in meaningful ways.  As an Environmental Engineer who now focuses on rulemaking, I have a unique opportunity to foster these innovations and adaptations within our member companies and explain to the public how local communities in Colorado are provided with the cleanest molecules of energy in a truly sustainable way.  It’s “Tank to Table Energy” that will serve our society well into the future.