Seema Sohi
Associate Professor
Asian American Studies


Ph.D., University of Washington - History, 2008
M.A., University of Vermont - History
B.A., University of California, Santa Cruz - English & History, 1997

Research Interests

Transnational political movements, radicalism, Asian American history

Seema Sohi is Associate Professor of Ethnic Studies at the University of Colorado Boulder. Her book, Echoes of Mutiny: Race, Surveillance, and Indian Anticolonialism in North America (Oxford University Press, 2014) examines the radical anticolonial politics of South Asian intellectuals and migrant workers based in North America during the early twentieth century as well as the inter-imperial efforts of the U.S. and British states to repress them. A history of radicalism and antiradicalism, this project also looks at the racial formations of South Asians through the lens of antiradicalism during the early years of South Asian migration to the United States. She has also published essays and articles in the Journal of American HistorySikh Formations, and an anthology titled, The Sun Never Sets: South Asian Migrants in an Age of U.S. Power (New York University Press, 2013).

Selected Publications


Sohi, Seema. Echoes of Mutiny: Race, Surveillance, and Indian Anticolonialism in North America (Oxford Univeristy Press, 2014). 

Refereed Articles

Sohi, Seema. “Indian Anticolonialism and Security Regimes Across the British and American Empires,” Journal of Modern European History 16, no. 3 (August 2018): 335-352

Sohi, Seema. “Sites of ‘Sedition,’ Sites of Liberation: Gurdwaras, the Ghadar Party, and Anticolonial Mobilization,” Sikh Formations 10, no. 1 (April 2014): 5-22.

Sohi, Seema. “Race, Surveillance, and Indian Anticolonialism in the Transnational Western U.S.-Canadian Borderlands,” Journal of American History 98 (September 2011).

Contributions to Edited Collections

Sohi, Seema. “South Asian American Anticolonial Writings: Critical Reflections on Race, Empire and Migration in the United States,” Asian American Literature in Transition, Josephine Lee and Julia Lee eds., Cambridge University Press, (2021)

Sohi, Seema. “Repressing the ‘Hindu Menace’: Race, Anarchy, and Indian Anticolonialism," in Vivek Bald, Miabi Chatterji, Sujani Reddy, and Manu Vimalassery, eds., The Sun Never Sets: South Asian Migrants in the Age of U.S. Power (New York: New York University Press, 2013).