John Gibert

HUMN 380

Fall 2024 Office Hours:
Monday 11:15am - 12:30pm
Tuesday 1:00pm - 2:15pm
And by appointment

John Gibert (Ph.D. Harvard 1991) studies Greek poetry, especially tragedy and comedy. His annotated edition of Euripides’ Ion for the Cambridge Greek and Latin Classics is in press, and he has recently completed articles on Ion, Medea, and “Euripides and the Development of Greek Tragedy.” He is author of Change of Mind in Greek Tragedy ( Gottingen, 1995) and co-author (with C. Collard and M.J. Cropp) of Euripides: Selected Fragmentary Plays II (Oxbow, 2004). His articles have appeared in Classical Quarterly, Classical Philology, and Harvard Studies in Classical Philology, among others.