Person taking a picture of a performer.


“Rage Against the Machine Learning” isn’t just a sign in Evan Peck’s office. It’s an emblem of his career pivot.

Taylor Swift at a Chiefs game


What is it about Taylor Swift that has so many people—even her fans—seeing red? A communication scholar says it's a theme she knows all too well.

Illustration of watering flowers on a datastream

Questions about A.I.? Let’s Chat

For A.I. to be useful, it needs to grow alongside communicators—not replace them. CMCI experts share their vision for a workplace with ChatGPT and other tools.

robotic hand holding system icons


Tech is shaping the way we understand the world around us. Do we understand the recommender systems influencing our worldview?

Pills piled up


Take two posts and call me in the morning: Social media’s new role at the pharmacy.

Information Science Associate Professors Casey Fiesler and Steven Voida

Building a better ‘bionic pancreas’

Living with Type 1 diabetes is demanding—patients must stay on top of their diet and exercise, even if they’re living with technology like insulin pumps or continuous glucose monitors. But information science faculty Casey Fiesler and Steven Voida are optimistic that with the help of holistic technology, this will change. They’ve received a grant from the National Institutes of Health, and, along with other university colleagues, hope to develop a “person-centered artificial pancreas.”

Dawn Doty instructs students

Thinking forward, looking back

Teaching Associate Professor Dawn Doty received the lifetime achievement award from the Colorado chapter of the Public Relations Society of America. She sat down with CMCI to share anecdotes, tips and keys to working in public relations.

Leysia works with students

Crystallizing curiosity

Leysia Palen was awarded CU’s highest honor for faculty—the title of distinguished professor. She offers a deeper look into her groundbreaking research career, her mentorship methods and her goals for the future.

Gaming controller


Assistant Professor Jolene Fisher has spent seven years studying how digital games can be used as a tool for strategic communications. Enter the International Committee of the Red Cross. Its game plan: to transform a video game built around killing into one focused on saving lives.

Illustration of face emojis on a phone


Associate Professor Stephen Voida wants to help people improve their mental health. With the help of students and research partners, Voida is creating a smartphone application to do just that.
