By Malia Bohlin (Jour’93)

(CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 230 pages; 2017)

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Left at Hiva OaThe captivating book, Left at Hiva Oa, written by Malia Bohlin (Jour’93), takes place on the open ocean as America evolves from the conservative 1950s to the free-loving 1960s. Two proud Merchant Marine Academy graduates leave their promising careers to follow a dream of sailing the world on the 40’ schooner, the Gracias. Even with careful planning and abundant enthusiasm, things go drastically awry. After the crew, and eventually the course of the Gracias, change unexpectedly, one member of the crew is left to cross the Pacific alone. In a frantic battle for his life, he relies on his wit and his memories to face the challenges of the sea, and those within his own mind. Left at Hiva Oa is an incredible story of determination: the determination to dream; to stand by your principles; and to stay alive, when all you have is yourself, writes Maila.