Published: Feb. 1, 2021

Image of payment authorization formYou’ll soon see some changes to what you can pay using the Payment Voucher (PV) and Payment Authorization (PA) forms.

The PSC has been working with the Office of University Controller and Campus Controllers to streamline the types of payment requests that can be submitted on these forms and to clarify guidance for items that are payable on the PV/PA.

Among the major changes:

  • Refunds – currently processed on the Payment Authorization form – will change as follows:
    • Refunds to individual employees/non-employees will move to the Concur Expense System. Exception: Refunds to non-U.S. persons or non-U.S. addresses will be processed on the Non-Employee Reimbursement-International form.
    • Refunds to entities will move to the Payment Voucher form and will now require a W-9 unless the company is already set up in CU Marketplace.
  • Conference/Event registrations – which can currently be processed on the PV form – will transition to payment by procurement card, travel card, purchase order or personal payment.
  • Similarly, License/Certification Fees and Subscriptions will transition from the PV form to procurement card/purchase order.

Changes will likely take effect in March 2021. Look for additional details in the next PSC newsletter. 


At the bottom of the current Payment Voucher/Authorization procedural statement, use the Questions & Feedback form.

Source: PSC Communicator: 01/27/2021