Chris Bowman

Low-Stress Materials

June 7, 2017

GETTING STUCK IN RUSH HOUR TRAFFIC. Hammering your thumb. Paper cuts. All things that are miserable, but none may be as universally despised as going to the dentist to get a cavity filled. A new product developed by 3M ESPE—and based on technology invented by Christopher Bowman, distinguished professor of...

Phase Change

Phase Change

May 8, 2017

Academics, athletics, administration commingle in 42-year career When Professor Dave Clough retires after 42 years in chemical and biological engineering,his stat sheet will show successes in triplicate. The admired educator spent six years as associate dean and serves as CU Boulder’s faculty athletics representative. Though peers were sometimes skeptical of...

Kristi Anseth working in her lab with a student

Getting Personal

April 18, 2016

Everyone knows that no two humans are alike, but Kristi Anseth, the Tisone Professor of Chemical and Biological Engineering, is focusing her recent workon making sure biomaterials “know” it also. It’s this kind of thinking that has helped lead Anseth and her group on an odyssey to transform the medical...

Photo of chemical engineering graduate, Amy Kramer, smiling outside the engineering center.

Saving Businesses from Patent Trolls

April 1, 2016

All in a day’s work for chemical engineering grad-turned-lawyer Amy Kramer Intellectual property attorneys don’t bask in the spotlight, but they are a company’s best friend when it comes to protecting IP rights. Instead of taking victory laps for defending against increasingly common infringement cases, intellectual property attorneys are likely...