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Back to the Future: Lessons for our emerging challenges from science fiction and history

John and Katherine Rosenbloom Endowed Lectureship Series

Watch the November 12 virtual event below:



If you are looking for “more diverse views of the future,” venture capitalist Brad Feld once said, look to science fiction. As we grapple with a challenging present, looking for guidance from science fiction and history promises valuable insight into the changes taking root in our politics, economy, and culture. In this discussion with Brad Feld, science fiction author Blake Crouch, Congressman Joe Neguse representing Colorado’s 2nd District in the U.S. House of Representatives, and historian Patty Limerick, Colorado Attorney General Phil Weiser will moderate an examination of the arc of the next fifty years and how it will be shaped by the lessons in history and by changes in politics, technology, and culture. In so doing, they will pay attention to how people are receiving and processing information as well as how our economy is changing in ways that will shape how people earn a living, where they live and work, and how they interact with others.

The John and Katherine Rosenbloom Lectureship Series was established in 2016 to support engaging interdisciplinary, relevant, and thoughtful discussions on important issues in honor of former Colorado Law Dean Phil Weiser and the lectures he implemented during his deanship. Presented in partnership with the University of Colorado Law School and the University of Colorado Boulder Conference on World Affairs.