Service Overview 

Kazoo is an online recognition platform for CU employees. Employees can send recognition to and receive recognition from colleagues for appreciation and work milestones to earn points. Earned points can be used to purchase various rewards. 

Kazoo Accessibility Status 

The Digital Accessibility Office has found the Kazoo Employee Experience platform to be inaccessible to individuals who utilize assistive technologies (AT) and keyboard-only access. Overall, the platform presents limited functionality and creates many access barriers for individuals with disabilities. 

The platform presents significant, burdensome issues that include mislabeled graphics, incorrectly named/labeled buttons and links, and a lack of notifications for content changes and errors. Additionally, there are issues with heading structure, focus handling, reading order, and many time-consuming navigation issues for keyboard and screen reader users. There are many items that are not available by keyboard or screen reader access. These elements include drop-down menus, filtering options, and tab elements.  

Any number of these issues alone would make engagement with this tool difficult; however, these issues combine to create an environment that severely limits and, many times, prohibits an individual’s ability to fully engage with this platform.  

For more information, please email the Digital Accessibility Office to ask to see the full Kazoo Accessibility Assessment Report. 


As this tool is currently inaccessible to many individuals with disabilities, we do not recommend using this tool for recognition. Even if your department, team, office, etc., does not have anyone who identifies as having a disability, others with disabilities will not be able to see or interact with those who do receive recognition. 

Additional Information 

Please note: This summary reflects the state of the platform as of February 15, 2022. Some information may have changed since this platform was last tested. 

The findings presented in this summary are accurate in the context of the IT environment and configuration at the time of testing at CU Boulder and may not be accurate in other environments and in different versions of the application. 

Vendor Accessibility Documentation 

The vendor has not provided any shareable accessibility information at this time. 

Get Help or Provide Feedback 

  • For general and technical questions about Kazoo, please fill out the Kazoo Help form

  • For questions about redeeming Kazoo points, please email