When sharing videos, it is important to select a tool that supports closed captions and best fits your use case.


If you are an instructor who has a student with a captioning accommodation, we recommend storing your course videos in Kaltura

If you are an instructor interested in captioning media proactively, potentially as part of Universal Design for Learning (UDL), we recommend storing videos in Canvas Studio.

If you are interested in captioning videos that are not part of an academic course, we recommend storing videos in YouTube or Microsoft OneDrive. If you are captioning media that will be shared via social media, please refer to our guide about captioning options for various social media platforms.

If you have a specific use case not listed above and would like tailored video storage recommendations or need support adding captions in any of these tools, please contact us at Captioning@Colorado.EDU

Common Video Storage Options

Below is a table to help you compare different storage options and their features. All of the below storage options support adding at least one caption file, except Zoom. 

Table of Storage Options and Features

Storage option

Canvas access required?

Storage limit?

Can create and edit automated captions directly in the platform?

Additional notes
Canvas Files Yes Yes No  
Canvas Studio Yes Yes Yes  
Google Drive No Yes No You can store more than just videos (e.g. audio, images, documents, and spreadsheets).
Kaltura Yes No No

Called My Media in Canvas.

Kaltura is not recommended for long-term storage and should only be used for media being used on a regular basis.

Mediasite No No No Used to record lectures.
Only available in specific classrooms with Classroom Capture.
Microsoft OneDrive No Yes Yes

Can store more than just videos (e.g. audio, images, documents, and spreadsheets).

OneDrive is a good option for long-term storage as the storage limit is 5 TB.

Vimeo No Yes Yes Only paid subscriptions have access to generate and edit automated captions.
VLC Media Player No No No

Can be used for videos stored locally on your computer.

Recommended when you will not have a reliable internet connection but want to view or screen videos with captions.

YouTube No No Yes To upload videos longer than 15 minutes, you must verify your YouTube account
Zoom No Yes Yes

A separate caption file cannot be uploaded.

There is a storage retention limit.

It is highly recommended to move recordings to another storage option due to captioning and storage retention limitations.