Published: May 13, 2014

The following article from the Stock lab has just appeared in the Early Edition of PNAS:

Aigler SR, Jandzik D, Hatta K, Uesugi K & Stock DW. 2014. Selection and constraint underlie irreversibility of tooth loss in cypriniform fishes. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA; published ahead of print May 12 2014.

The mechanisms underlying Dollo's Law, the assertion that the evolutionary loss of complex structures is irreversible, remain poorly characterized. In principle, such mechanisms could involve the improbability either of generating the mutations required for trait reappearance or of selecting for their fixation. Whereas most attention has focused on the former mechanism, we used experimental reversal of dentition reduction in cypriniform fishes to provide evidence for the operation of both within a single system.

The apparent irreversibility of the loss of complex traits in evolution (Dollo's Law) has been explained either by constraints on generating the lost traits or the complexity of selection required for their return. Distinguishing between these explanations is challenging, however, and little is known about the specific nature of potential constraints. We investigated the mechanisms underlying the irreversibility of trait loss using reduction of dentition in cypriniform fishes, a lineage that includes the zebrafish (Danio rerio) as a model. Teeth were lost from the mouth and upper pharynx in this group at least 50 million y ago and retained only in the lower pharynx. We identified regional loss of expression of the Ectodysplasin (Eda) signaling ligand as a likely cause of dentition reduction. In addition, we found that overexpression of this gene in the zebrafish is sufficient to restore teeth to the upper pharynx but not to the mouth. Because both regions are competent to respond to Eda signaling with transcriptional output, the likely constraint on the reappearance of oral teeth is the alteration of multiple genetic pathways required for tooth development. The upper pharyngeal teeth are fully formed, but do not exhibit the ancestral relationship to other pharyngeal structures, suggesting that they would not be favored by selection. Our results illustrate an underlying commonality between constraint and selection as explanations for the irreversibility of trait loss; multiple genetic changes would be required to restore teeth themselves to the oral region and optimally functioning ones to the upper pharynx.

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