Unlucky 5

Team members: Kareem Nammari Edward Nicholson Kari Skupa John Stanway Cui Sun This project is a laser microphone. This is a surveillance device that will use a laser to pick up vibrations on a surface and convert it to sound. The benefits of the laser microphone are primarily range and...


June 17, 2016

Team members: Phillip Crosby Brian French Danny Gale David Harrison Max Perez We aim to design an RF-recieving module that will collect atmosphereic ice and water data to be used by scientists studying climate change. This module will interface with a power system and transmitter to be implemented on a...


Team members: Melissa Jansen Mahdi Mogadham Robert Morson Bianca Ragin Angelina Uribe For our capstone project, we have decided to design a robotic butler that will come when it is called. It will be able to carry drinks, snacks, and plates. It will move autonomously once called. Part of the...

Power Blocks

Team members: Michael Badaracca Peter Brehm Tenzin Choephak David Fiedeldey Micahl Keitner We intend to provide control and efficiency to household power grids. Power Blocks is a spinoff of the common power strip, allowing for individual outlet control and minimizing phantom loads from everyday electronics. The power strip will be...

NOAA's Ark

Team members: Adam Ornstein Troy Owens Dmitriy Polyakov Michael Tanksalava John Trytko Our Capstone project will entail creating an Open Cavity Phase Shift Cavity Ringdown instrument in conjunction with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). A Phase Shift Cavity Ringdown instrument uses a laser reflecting between two mirrors to...


Team members: Jacob Beckner Kevin Bodkin Lauren Glogiewicz James Holley Philip Terry Our project is to design and implement an electromagnetic bearing. This bearing will consist of a ring of eight electromagnets with an axle suspended in the center. This will create a frictionless bearing that is not limited by...


Team members: Bruce Chen Spencer Krist Phong Nguyen Eric Stevens Louis Tuey Our project was suggested to us by Professor Scott Palo of the Aerospace Engineering Dept. We will be designing a small weather SONDE that will be dropped from a UAV into the ocean to measure water temperatures at...


Team members: Hameed Ebadi Chris Pearson Alissa Halvorson Daniel Steffy Bogdan Pisica Our project will be a Robot Butler (henceforth known as Jeeves) that will bring the user a beverage. This will be accomplished by the operator having a beacon on their person that allows the Robot to identify which...


Team members: Eric Anderson Chris Messick John O'Neal Michael Santoro We intend to build a system which can accurately track the position and orientation of a user's hands. This will provide a computer interface for a variety of possible applications such as 3D modeling and remote surgery. We will track...


Team members: Emile Bahdi Bin Wang Erik Ware David Zigman The purpose of our capstone project is to build a GPS tracking system which will track the Buff Bus around campus, and provide real time position updates to transit users at bus stops. We will achieve this system by using...
