Wi-Fly Team Pic 2023

Team Members

  • Joshua Dinerman
  • Nathan Mattock
  • Noah Schwartz
  • Jason Esqueda
  • Tommy Ramirez

Team Name: Wi-Fly
Sponsor: Eric Bogatin

Download the Project Poster

Byte Back is a safe, research oriented, and energy efficient device designed to attract and kill mosquitoes. This is done through a carefully designed 1000V electrical grid as well as an efficient power management system. Byte Back is able to function independently for an extended period of time  through the use of solar panels and rechargeable batteries all the while collecting data such as kill count, temperature, pressure, humidity, and the location of the device. The data is then transmitted from the individual module to a base station where the data is uploaded to the internet where it can be viewed remotely from anywhere via an online dashboard.