Undergraduate students pursuing the Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering or Bachelor of Science in Electrical and Computer Engineering majors at the University of Colorado Boulder are required to complete a General Science Elective course as part of their curriculum.

Approved Courses for General Science Electives

The list below outlines CU Boulder courses that have been preapproved to satisfy this requirement. This list may not be all-inclusive. If you believe a class should be considered to satisfy this category, please connect with your academic advisor to discuss the petition process.

  • ANTH 3010 The Human Animal

  • APPM 3310 Matrix Methods and Applications
  • APPM 4390 Modeling in Mathematical Biology

  • AREN 2110 Thermodynamics

  • ASTR 1000 The Solar System
  • ASTR 1010 Introductory Astronomy 1 (4 credits)
  • ASTR 1030 Accelerated Introductory Astronomy 1 (4 credits)
  • ASTR 2020 Space Astronomy and Exploration
  • ASTR 2030 Black Holes
  • ASTR 2040 The Search for Life in the Universe
  • ASTR 2100 Fundamental Concepts in Astrophysics
  • ASTR 3300 Extraterrestrial Life
  • ASTR 3710 Formation & Dynamics of Planetary Systems
  • ASTR 3720 Planets and Their Atmospheres
  • ASTR 3750 Planets, Moons, and Rings

  • ATOC 1060 Our Changing Environment: El Nino, Ozone, and Climate 
  • ATOC 2050 Introduction to Atmospheric Research 
  • ATOC 3070 Introduction to Oceanography 
  • ATOC 3180 Aviation Meteorology 
  • ATOC 3500 Air Chemistry and Pollution 
  • ATOC 3600 Principles of Climate 
  • ATOC 4200 Biogeochemical Oceanography 
  • ATOC 4550 Mountain Meteorology 
  • ATOC 4710 Introduction to Atmospheric Physics 
  • ATOC 4720 Atmospheric Dynamics 
  • ATOC 4730 Physical Oceanography and Climate 
  • ATOC 4750 Desert Meteorology and Climate 
  • ATOC 4770 Renewable Energy Meteorology 

  • CHEM 1113 General Chemistry 1 (4 credits)
  • CHEM 1133 General Chemistry 2 (4 credits)
  • CHEM 1400 Foundations of Chemistry for Chemistry and Biochemistry Majors
  • CHEM 3151 Air Chemistry and Pollution 
  • CHEM 3311 Organic Chemistry 1 (4 credits)

  • CHEN 1201 General Chemistry for Engineers 1 (4 credits)
  • CHEN 2810 Biology for Engineers 

  • CVEN 4404 Water Chemistry 
  • CVEN 4424 Environmental Organic Chemistry 

  • EBIO 1210 General Biology 1 
  • EBIO 1220 General Biology 2 
  • EBIO 1250 Introduction to Ecology & Evolutionary Biology Research (4 credits)
  • EBIO 2040 Principles of Ecology (4 credits)
  • EBIO 2090 Tropical Island and Marine Ecology 
  • EBIO 3190 Tropical Marine Ecology 

  • ECON 3818 Introduction to Statistics with Computer Applications (4 credits)

  • ENVS 1000 Introduction to Environmental Studies (4 credits)
  • ENVS 2000 Applied Ecology for Environmental Studies (4 credits)
  • ENVS 3434 Introduction to Applied Ecology 
  • ENVS 3600 Principles of Climate 

  • GEEN 1010 Engineering Explorations Through Physics (4 credits)
  • GEEN 2010 Engineering Tools and Analysis 
  • GEEN 3852 Thermodynamics for Engineers 

  • GEOG 1001 Environmental Systems: Climate and Vegetation (4 credits)
  • GEOG 1011 Environmental Systems: Landscapes and Water (4 credits)
  • GEOG 2271 Introduction to the Arctic Environment 
  • GEOG 3251 Mountain Geography 
  • GEOG 3301 Analysis of Climate and Weather Observations 

  • GEOL 1010 Exploring Earth 
  • GEOL 1012 Exploring Earth for Scientists 
  • GEOL 1020 Dodos, Dinos, and Deinococcus: The History of a Habitable Planet 
  • GEOL 1040 Geology of Colorado 
  • GEOL 1060 Global Change: An Earth Science Perspective 
  • GEOL 1150 Water, Energy and Environment: An Introduction to Earth Resources 
  • GEOL 3040 Global Change: The Recent Geological Record 
  • GEOL 3070 Introduction to Oceanography 
  • GEOL 3300 Extraterrestrial Life 
  • GEOL 3720 Evolution of Life: The Geological Record 
  • GEOL 3910 Earth and Planetary Inference (4 credits)
  • GEOL 3950 Natural Catastrophes and Geologic Hazards 
  • GEOL 4060 Oceanography (4 credits)
  • GEOL 4070 Paleoclimatology 
  • GEOL 4093 Remote Sensing of the Environment (4 credits)
  • GEOL 4270 Marine Chemistry and Geochemistry 
  • GEOL 4380 Fundamentals of Stable Isotope Geochemistry 
  • GEOL 4675 Stable Isotopes in Paleoclimate and Paleoecology 

  • IPHY 2420 Introduction to Nutrition 
  • IPHY 3410 Human Anatomy 
  • IPHY 3430 Human Physiology 
  • IPHY 3490 Introduction to Epidemiology 
  • IPHY 4060 Cell Physiology 
  • IPHY 4200 Physiological Genetics and Genomics 
  • IPHY 4440 Endocrinology 
  • IPHY 4580 Sleep Physiology 
  • IPHY 4600 Immunology 
  • IPHY 4650 Exercise Physiology 
  • IPHY 4720 Neurophysiology 

  • MATH 2510 Intro to Statistics 
  • MATH 3110 Introduction to Theory of Numbers 
  • MATH 2130 & 3430 Intro to Linear Algebra & Ordinary Differential Equations 
    • Completion of both classes will satisfy both APPM 2360 & General Science Elective for EE and ECE majors 
  • MATH 3140 Abstract Algebra 1 
  • MATH 3210 Euclidean and Non-Euclidean Geometry 
  • MATH 3450 Introduction to Complex Variables 
  • MATH 4000 Foundation of Mathematics 
  • MATH 4520 Introduction to Mathematical Statistics 
  • MATH 4540 Introduction to Time Series 

  • MCDB 1030 Intro to Molecular Biology 
  • MCDB 1150 Intro to Cellular and Molecular Biology 
  • MCDB 2150 Principle of Genetics 

  • MCEN 1024 Chemistry for Energy and Materials Science 
  • MCEN 3012 Thermodynamics 

  • PHYS 2130 General Physics 3 
  • PHYS 2170 Foundations of Modern Physics 
  • PHYS 2210 Classical Mechanics and Mathematical Methods 1
  • PHYS 3210 Classical Mechanics and Mathematical Methods 2
  • PHYS 3220 Quantum Mechanics 1
  • PHYS 3310 Principles of Electricity and Magnetism 1
  • PHYS 3320 Principles of Electricity and Magnetism 2
  • PHYS 4230 Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics
  • PHYS 4410 Quantum Mechanics 2

  • SLHS 2010 Science of Human Communication 

  • STAT 4000 Statistical Methods and Application I 
  • STAT 4430 Spatial Statistics 


Courses Approved for Electrical & Computer Engineering Partnership Students 

The list below outlines transfer courses that have been specifically approved to satisfy the General Science Elective requirement for students in the partnership program.

  • BIOL 105 & BIOL 105L Attributes of Living Systems and Lab (4 credits)
  • BIOL 209 & BIOL 209L Human Anatomy and Physiology and Lab 
  • CHEM 131 General Chemistry I 
  • CHEM 132 General Chemistry II (4 credits)
  • CHEM 311 Organic Chemistry (4 credits)
  • PHYS 230 Modern Physics or PHYS 231 Intermediate Dynamics 
  • GEOL 105 Geology of Colorado 
  • STAT 200 Probability and Statistics or STAT 311 Statistical Methods 
  • ENGR 312 Engineering Thermodynamics